Az Alkotmánybíróság nem tartja tiszteletben az emberi jogokat

Nyílt levél Thorbjørn Jagland úrhoz, az Európa Tanács főtitkárához.


Thorbjørn Jagland

Ma tárgyalja az Alkotmánybíróság több mint 700 devizahiteles beadványát a devizahitel szerődések piaci árfolyamon történt forintosításával kapcsolatban (napirend).

Levélben kértük az Európa Tanács főtitkárát, hogy vizsgálja meg az alkotmánybíróság ítélkezési gyakorlatát, miszerint a parlamentnek joga lenne törvénnyel magánjogi szerződéseket módosítani.

Európa jogállamaiban a parlamentek nem avatkozhatnak be magánjogi szerződésekbe. Ez a hatalmi ágak elválasztásának az egyik legfontosabb alaptétele.

A magyar alkotmánybíróság ítélkezési gyakorlata nyilvánvalóvá teszi, hogy az alkotmánybírák nem tisztelik az emberi jogokat, és tevékenységükkel egy diktatórikus hatalmi elit érdekeit védik.

Kértük  Jagland urat, hogy lépjen fel a devizahitelesek emberi jogainak a tiszteletbentartása érdekében.

Olvasse el Jagland úrnak küldött levelünket.

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Hungarian Constitutional Court denies fair trials for consumers

Dear Mr Jagland,

More than 700 Hungarian consumers are waiting for the Hungarian Constitutional Court to rule on their applications (joint case number: IV/01287/2015). The applications concern the Hungarian Parliament’s violation of the right to a fair trial. Previous decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court suggest that the court will refuse to provide protection for the consumers. If the applications are rejected, the consumers will bring their cases to the European Court of Human Rights.

We are asking you to review the previous decision of the Hungarian Constitutional Court and to use your influence to ensure that in future Art. 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights will be respected by the Hungarian Parliament and Constitutional Court.

  • Decision 8/2014 (dated 20.03.2014) Sec. [90]
  • Decision 3168/2015 (dated 24.07.2015) Sec. [24]
  • Decision 3147/2015 (dated 24.07.2015) Sec. [21]-[22]


Consumers and banks have been battling in Hungarian courts for several years now over the validity of foreign exchange (FX) consumer loans. It has been firmly established by now that between 2002 and 2009 Hungarian banks violated important consumer protection regulations. More specifically, the banks were hiding and manipulating costs in thousands of consumer loan agreements. The banks’ conduct provides consumers with solid grounds for contesting the basic validity of the loan agreements. If FX consumer loans are null and void, it is the banks that have to bear the costs related to the foreign exchange risk.

In 2014 the Hungarian Parliament passed several laws with the dual aim of protecting banks from bearing the costs related to the foreign exchange risk and of preventing consumers from suing banks over FX loan agreements. As a result of these laws, consumers received compensation for the hidden and manipulated costs, but consumers were also obliged to bear the losses resulting from the foreign exchange risk.

PITEE-Mese a jogallamrol (kicsi)

This legislation fundamentally violates the doctrines of fair trial and the separation of powers. According to Art. 6 of the Convention, parliaments may not interfere with private law matters.

The Hungarian Constitutional Court is backing the laws, which put significant costs on the shoulders of the consumers. The judges argue that Parliament can adopt new laws with the intention of determining the civil rights and obligations of contracting parties and, by doing so, finally settle the dispute between the consumers and the banks.

The judges developed this idea in Decision 8/2014 (see Section [90]) and defended this idea from critics in Decision 3168/2015 (s. Sec. [24]) and Decision 3147/2015 (s. Sec. [21]-[22]).

The reasoning of the Hungarian Constitutional Court gives the impression that the judges of the Hungarian Constitutional Court do not respect the values of the European Convention on Human Rights. They especially do not understand the concept of separation of powers. Democracy, however, requires an independent judiciary that adheres to and applies the rule of law.

As a result of the Hungarian Constitutional Court’s decisions, we are supporting Hungarian consumers in their efforts to bring their cases to the European Court of Human Rights (e.g., case number 27514/2015). As the Hungarian Parliament violated the Convention with legislative acts, we also filed a group application to the court (case number: 36981/2015). The legislative acts are equally binding on all consumers. Therefore, as far as the alleged violation(s) of the Convention is concerned, the applications are based on identical facts. By filing the group application, we intended to reduce the court’s workload.

Although applications 27514/2015 and 36981/2015 are based on identical reasoning, the group application was rejected.

The Hungarian Constitutional Court is going to release its next decision shortly. If the Constitutional Court again denies legal protection for consumers, the consumers will file individual complaints with identical reasoning to the European Court of Human Rights.

We are asking you to support our efforts to raise the general standards of protection of human rights and to extend human rights jurisprudence in Hungary.

Please use your influence to ensure that in future Art. 6 of the Convention will be respected by the Hungarian Parliament and Constitutional Court.

Yours sincerely,




Kérjük, támogassa egyesületünk tevékenységét!
A legkisebb adomány is számít.

Bankszámlaszámunk: Számla tulajdonos:EJEB
Pénzügyi Ismeretterjesztő és
Érdek-képviseleti Egyesület

Számlavezető Bank:
ERSTE Bank Hungary Zrt.


Támogatását nagyon köszönjük!

1 Responses to Az Alkotmánybíróság nem tartja tiszteletben az emberi jogokat

  1. […] néhány nappal ezelőtt közzétett nyílt levélünk az Európa Tanács elnökének pedig lehetővé teszi azt, hogy az érveinket ne csak az Emberi […]